The Best of Audio Porn
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes, well, sometimes it’s just distracting. If you enjoy guided sexual stimulation but the storytelling and moaning are what really get you going, there’s a kind porn just for you. Welcome to the world of audio porn!
Think of it as a sexy podcast that you can listen to in the moment or as a way to amp yourself up on the subway. There are three pretty distinct kinds of audio porn; fiction, first-person stories, and home recordings and we’re about to offer you a few of our favorites from each category to check out. Fictional storytelling might not do it for you but listening to real people recording their real sex might be just the ticket! Poke around, try a few and see what you like.
While audio recordings of sex and erotica are far from new, Dipsea is the one leading the pack in terms of contemporary sexual storytelling with what they refer to as ‘sexy audio stories’. Dipsea is a slick-looking app that would have anyone looking over your shoulder thinking nothing of it. While some of the stories are a little on the nose when it comes to appealing to a ‘hip and young’ audience, and most storylines are a little more on the ‘vanilla’ side, you can sort them by how spicy they are and with 175+ stories currently on the app, there’s a lot to choose from. This is an awesome starting point for anyone feeling a little shy about audio porn and who loves a good story.

There’s just something about a British accent sometimes! Ferly is similar to Dipsea in that it’s a cool looking app that hosts sexy stories (though, as it’s a British company, there are more sexy accents in the mix) but it also hosts a ton of great information and articles on sexual wellness. We get a lot of questions from people feeling uncertain about masturbation and we would have to highly recommend Ferly to those people. The app starts with something like guided meditation but for self-pleasure (like a super sexy Headspace) but you can skip ahead for the dirty stories if that’s not something you’re interested in. Like Dipsea, it also ranks by a heat scale but we found the ‘hotter’ options do actually get a bit more fun and graphic.
Girl On The Net
While audio porn is a great option for people who don’t want or don’t need a visual, it’s also incredible for the blind community. That’s how sex blogger Girl On The Net started recording her blog posts, in response to a request from a visually impaired follower. Rather than have the stories dictated, they could now listen to them told in the (sexy, British) voice of the anonymous blogger herself. Girl On The Net is an amazing selection of salacious first-person recountings and stories narrated by the writer and some occasional guests. It’s more personal than some of the stories from the previous two and is closer to reading juicy erotica than listening to people acting out a sexy scene.
Excuse me? What? Have we lost our minds? While it might seem like heading to Reddit for your audio porn would be a terrifyingly slippery slope into who-knows-what, the subreddit r/GoneWildAudio is a literal goldmine of home recordings. Now we don’t recommend just clicking around on the front page (though, knock yourself out if you find something great!) instead, head over to the sidebar on the right, where you can actually filter and control your results. It not only has a filter for sexual orientation such as [F4F], [M4M], and [F4TF] but has a secondary filter for weeding out triggers, where you can eliminate options that might involve fantasies surrounding common triggers or turn-offs. Also, unlike some of the apps mentioned, it’s all user-generated and free.

In the heyday of Tumblr porn (RIP), Porn4Ladies was hugely popular for its collection of super sexy GIFs and ‘artsy’ images but it also had a little side project called Audible Porn, which somehow miraculously still exists as Audiogasm. These amateur recordings are perfect if you aren’t in the mood for any storytelling or narration at all and just want to be a fly on the wall. There aren't many recordings but maybe you'll be inspired to share one. ;~)